
Proskuneo: to kiss towards or to bow down in reverence. My name is Vic Hammond and I love to curate worship experiences. In this blog you will find my thoughts and reactions to the changes going on within the church and in wider culture. You will also find a variety of resources for use in your own worship gatherings. Each blog entry is tagged with a label/category (reflection, resource, station, liturgy, and news) to make your searching easier. I hope you enjoy your visit.

If you are looking for custom worship resources, music, or booking information please contact me at vic@vichammond.com.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Simple Suggestions (for churches with pews): The Video Screen

I’ve decided to offer a short series entitled Simple Suggestions. Simple Suggestions are worship related ideas aimed at the pew-bound that have the goal of broadening participation in worship by creating more trip points into God’s presence.

Idea One:

Take advantage of your video screen and use it for visual metaphors pertaining to the week’s main sermon/scripture idea. Use a series of images under the song and sermon slides that reinforce the main push of the day’s theme/message. For example: show a series of images that move from darkness to light as the service progresses or black and white pictures that transition into color, or crosses that become empty.

Idea Two:

With the proliferation of digital cameras and flip camcorders, allow the congregation to participate in creating these visual metaphors. Publish a list of future sermon topics and scripture passages. Have families or individuals come up with a series of images to help illustrate their interpretation of the scripture passage and theme. The same can be done with art instead of photographs.

Idea Three:

Magazines like Time or Newsweek use small sidebar articles within the context of a larger main article. These smaller, related articles are usually what I read first and they enhance what I get out of the main article. The video screen can be used in the same way. Instead of putting up an outline of what the preacher is saying during a sermon, why not put up quotes, scripture passages, prayers, images, etc. that reinforce the main idea of the sermon, but say it in different words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I forgot you were blogging again! WOOHOO! I have much to catch up on. I'm loving Ideas 2 and 3 here. Thanks Vic!