
Proskuneo: to kiss towards or to bow down in reverence. My name is Vic Hammond and I love to curate worship experiences. In this blog you will find my thoughts and reactions to the changes going on within the church and in wider culture. You will also find a variety of resources for use in your own worship gatherings. Each blog entry is tagged with a label/category (reflection, resource, station, liturgy, and news) to make your searching easier. I hope you enjoy your visit.

If you are looking for custom worship resources, music, or booking information please contact me at vic@vichammond.com.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Labyrinth Reloads

Years ago I discovered Group Publishing's Prayer Path kit (we call it the labyrinth in a can). A friend named Keith Peeler and I used to set it up and and run it for youth groups, retreats, etc. It is a great resource and we witnessed God touching many lives through it.

After a while I started writing "reloads" for the prayer path. Reloads are new themes and stations for the prayer path labyrinth. However, you don't have to own Group's version in order to use the reloads (Click here for how to build your own labyrinth). You can use them in a your own labyrinth design, for a retreat, a prayer walk, worship service, etc.

The photo links to the right show reloads I've written for several different groups. If you are interested in using a reload that's already been written or in having one created for your church or group, drop me an email.


kpeeler said...

i miss our labyrinth days... i don't have a creative buddy these days... we need to hang out soon!

Anonymous said...

My friend Patrick has created what he calls the "Living Labyrinth" which is neat... http://livinglabyrinth.com