
Proskuneo: to kiss towards or to bow down in reverence. My name is Vic Hammond and I love to curate worship experiences. In this blog you will find my thoughts and reactions to the changes going on within the church and in wider culture. You will also find a variety of resources for use in your own worship gatherings. Each blog entry is tagged with a label/category (reflection, resource, station, liturgy, and news) to make your searching easier. I hope you enjoy your visit.

If you are looking for custom worship resources, music, or booking information please contact me at vic@vichammond.com.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

My Favorite Reading

For the past several years, my favorite resource concerning changes going on in business and culture is called Trendwatching. Incredibly, this amazing resource is free.

Trendwatching uses 8,000+ trend spotters who scan the globe for emerging consumer trends, ideas, and insights. While the intended audience is business focused, the content allows amazing opportunities for the church to glimpse what's going on in the world around us and in the lives of our congregations.

Trendwatching does an incredible job if identifying and summarizing the forces and desires that shape our culture and institutions. For the church, it is helpful tool for understanding some of the tension between 21st century post-Christian culture and the modern church's structures and culture. It is also offers valuable insight into the types of theologies we need to develop in order to reach this new post Christian world.

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